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Stefano Farina Barolo DOCG - Piedmont

Label Stefano Farina

Type of Wine Nebbiolo

Country Italy

Country Region Barolo, Piedmont






This, of all our wines, best reflects the great modernity of Stefano Farina productions. Barolo hails from a long-standing history. In this land of great tradition it is the flagship wine, and as a top note to all this, our own Barolo has the added appeal of great fruitiness, making us especially proud. 100% Nebbiolo of the variety from Lampia, Michet, and Rose. This wine is aged for several years in oak casks of Slavonic origin and has a garnet red or ruby color, with a violet aroma combined with notes of licorice and light spicy. 

Technical Sheet for Barolo

Shelftalker for Barolofarinas

Meet Giancarlo Farina - Winemaker (Pictured Bruno-left and Gino-right)

Nebbiolo Varietal Info

Barolo Sub-Region Info

Piedmont Wine Region Info

Piedmont Wine Region - Italy Map

Stefano Farina Website

Heritage Wine Cellars Website