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Gazela Vinho Verde White

Label Gazela

Type of Wine Vinho Verde

Country Portugal

Country Region Vinho Verde


vv white




This Vinho Verde contains a light yellow citrine color, with a slightly fizz to the taste that enhances its bouquet, flavors and freshness. Aromatic and engaging, Gazela adds to its citrine and tropical fruit notes a lively and stimulating acidity, very well balanced by a slight touch of sugar. The end product is a simple, versatile and very attractive wine. Blend of 40% Loureiro, 30% Pedernã, 15% Trajadura, 15% Azal.

Technical Sheet for Vinho Verde Whitemiguel

Shelftalker for Vinho Verde White

Meet Miguel Pessanha - Winemaker

Gazela Website

SoGrape Website

Evaton Website

Vinho Verde Wine Region Info

Vinho Verde Wine Region - Portugal Map